Cicuta Olímpica en el Judo /
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Juan Carlos Barcos Nagore |
Con el anuncio reciente en Tashkent, Republica de Uzbekistán, de su destitución y reemplazo por el coreano Ki-Young Jeon y el rumano Daniel Lascau se deja atrás una época de un cuestionable e ineficaz manejo del arbitraje en esa entidad mundial.
Los nuevos directores quienes en su época fueron atletas muy distinguidos y galardonados auguran el manejo de esta área con
árbitros provenientes de área competitiva lo puede ser un futuro incierto.
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Ki-Young Jeon |
Acto seguido este lacayo, Juan Carlos Barcos Nagore, mando a detener el combate para instruir a los árbitros a cambiar su decisión de la proyección a ippon tal marioneta bailando al ritmo de Marius Vizer y es de esta manera que antes de los eventos, campeonatos mundiales, gran slam, grand prix, juegos olímpicos, etc., se hacen proyecciones que en la mayoría de los casos es coincidente, cuanta sabiduría!
La dosis que le aplicaron y a la que nos referimos es la misma que el le hizo a Carlos Diaz para los Juegos Olímpicos, Beijing 2008 cuando en contubernio con su jefe político deportivo reemplazo a quien para la fecha era Director de Arbitraje de la Unión Panamericana de Judo (UPJ) y a su vez, y en base a esa posición, miembro de la Comisión de Arbitraje de la Federación Internacional de Judo.
De nada le valdrá estar al frente de la Real Federación Española de Judo bajo el sostén y amparo de su amigo incondicional, Alejandro Blanco Bravo, presidente del Comité Olímpico Español (COE), pues ira a Tokio 2020 como un civil cualquiera sin rango ni poder alguno dentro del arbitraje que manejo abominablemente desde 2005 hasta la fecha.
Fuente: JudoNoticias
Juan Carlos
Barcos receives his dose of the
Olympic Hemlock
in Judo
The hitherto
"almighty" director of refereeing of the International Judo
Federation (IJF), Juan Carlos Barcos Nagore, has proven his own sectarianism in
the face of that leadership where he arrogantly believed himself irreplaceable.
With the recent
announcement in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, of his dismissal and
replacement by the Korean Ki-Young Jeon and the Romanian Daniel Lascau, a time
of questionable and ineffective arbitration management in that world entity is
left behind.
The new directors who in their time were highly distinguished and award-winning athletes predict the management of this area with referees coming from the competitive area may be an uncertain future.
As our grandparents would say as a sample, one button is enough for us to refer to the World Championship held in the city of Rotherdam, Holland in 2009 when in a projection that was qualified as waza ari and where the IJF president himself rose from his seat to indicate that the maximum ippon score be given.
Then this lackey, Juan Carlos Barcos Nagore, ordered the fight to stop to instruct the referees to change their decision of the projection to ippon such a puppet dancing to the rhythm of Marius Vizer and it is in this way that before the events, world championships , grand slam, grand prix, olympic games, etc., projections are made that in most cases are coincidental, how much wisdom!
The dose that they applied to him and to which we refer is the same that he did to Carlos Diaz for the Olympic Games, Beijing 2008 when, in collusion with his sports political boss, he replaced who to date was Director of Arbitration of the Panamerican Judo Union (PJU) and in turn, and based on that position, member of the Refereeing Commission of the International Judo Federation.
It will be useless for him to be at the head of the Royal Spanish Judo Federation under the support and protection of his unconditional friend, Alejandro Blanco Bravo, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), because he will go to Tokyo 2020 as any civilian without rank or power. any within the arbitration that I handle abominably from 2005 to date.