Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.- Los diferentes medios de prensa nacionales e internacionales nos informan de la XIV Cumbre de los Jefes de Estado y de Gobiernos de los BRICS; Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica; que como conglomerado tienen el 40 por ciento de la población mundial y 16 % d Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), evento en la capital China bajo la regencia del líder de ese país XI Jinping, esto los días 23 y 24 de junio 2022.
Por otro lado, anteriormente, el XXV Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo (SPIEF), Rusia donde Vladimir Putin como anfitrión fue la figura principal recibiendo delegaciones de 140 países y mas de 10 mil participantes en el llamado Davos Ruso, esto del 15 al 18 de junio.
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Vladimir Putin Presidente de Rusia |
Esto así porque desde los Juegos Olímpicos de Montreal 1976 hasta la máxima cita olímpica de Corea 1988 pasaron 12 largos años tiempo suficiente para que un atleta de alta competición terminara su vida competitiva de primer orden sin poder demostrar sus habilidades en el escenario olímpico.
Estos boicots hicieron posible los Good Will Games en 1985 de mano del ya fallecido Ted Turner y su imperio publicitario TNT para paliar el intercambio competitivo de atletas Olímpicos en su mejor forma.
La primera cita de esos juegos, Good Will Games, que se realizaban cada cuatro años fue en Moscú para el 1986 con la presidencia del líder ruso Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, cancelándose su realización en 2021 por falta de apoyo económico.
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Thomas Bach Presidente Comité Olímpico Internacional |
El inicio de la invasión Rusa a Ucrania el pasado 24 de febrero altero todo lo relativo a la alimentación, producción industrial, relaciones diplomáticas, en fin, lo que producirá un reacomodo en sentido general a nivel mundial todavía no totalmente definido.
Ahora el Comité Olímpico Internacional y las Federaciones Internacionales imponen la exclusión de atletas rusos y de Bielorrusia lo que obviamente crea un cisma por la retirada estos países en eventos competitivos de primer orden.
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Asociación de Federaciones Internacionales |
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Asociación de Federaciones Internacionales de Deportes de Invierno |
De otro lado esta el muro de contención del Comité Olímpico Internacional para que deportes como Sambo, Kurash, Jiu JItsu, entre otros, a los que se les impide entrar a formar parte del Programa Olímpico para su participación cada cuatro (4) años en los llamados Juegos Olímpicos.
Y es que gran parte de las actuales Federaciones Internacionales están grandemente comprometidas con debilidades administrativas, dopaje, exclusión de organismos afines, atletas y dirigentes, entre otras ya probadas y sancionadas acusaciones.
El tiempo futuro nos dará las pautas a seguir.
Jaime Casanova Martínez
Union Panamericana de Judo (UPJ)
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- The different national and international press media inform us of the XIV Summit of the Heads of State and Governments of the BRICS; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa; which as a conglomerate have 40 percent of the world population and 16% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), event in the Chinese capital under the regency of the leader of that country XI Jinping, this on June 23 and 24, 2022.
On the other hand, previously, the XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russia where Vladimir Putin as host was the main figure receiving delegations from 140 countries and more than 10 thousand participants in the so-called Russian Davos, this from June 15 to 18.
In the case that concerns us, we must remember the boycotts of the Games of the XXII Olympiad, Moscow 1980 and those of the XXIII Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 in the midst of the Cold War and that between both versions ended the sporting lives of thousands of first-rate athletes World and Olympic
This is so because from the 1976 Montreal Olympics to the 1988 Korean Olympics, 12 long years passed, enough time for a high-performance athlete to end his first-rate competitive life without being able to demonstrate his skills on the Olympic stage.
These boycotts made possible the Good Will Games in 1985 by the late Ted Turner and his TNT advertising empire to palliate the competitive exchange of Olympians at their best.
The first appointment of these games, Good Will Games, which were held every four years, was in Moscow in 1986 with the presidency of Russian leader Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, canceling its performance in 2021 due to lack of financial support.
In recent years, the doping situation of Russian athletes and their exclusion from Olympic and world competitions is another setback with Russia and directly with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
The beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th altered everything related to food, industrial production, diplomatic relations, in short, which will produce a general rearrangement worldwide that is not yet fully defined.
Now the International Olympic Committee and the International Federations impose the exclusion of Russian and Belarusian athletes, which obviously creates a schism due to the withdrawal of these countries from competitive events of the highest order.
It is foreseeable that the BRICS, the St. Petersburg International Forum and other organizations related to these tendencies, while calling for a new world economic order, will also reach other institutions and why not in regard to sport and specifically the sport itself International Olympic Committee and other sports organizations.
The creation of a powerful sports organization at the world level with another concept of development could be developed, which would be facilitated by the proliferation of organizations parallel to the current International Federations precisely because these have become exclusionary organizations in their great majority.
On the other hand is the retaining wall of the International Olympic Committee for sports such as Sambo, Kurash, Jiu JItsu, among others, which are prevented from entering the Olympic Program for their participation every four (4) years in the so-called Olympic Games.
On the other hand is the retaining wall of the International Olympic Committee for sports such as Sambo, Kurash, Jiu JItsu, among others, which are prevented from entering the Olympic Program for their participation every four (4) years in the so-called Olympic Games.
And it is that a large part of the current International Federations are largely committed to administrative weaknesses, doping, exclusion of related organizations, athletes and leaders, among other already proven and sanctioned accusations.
The future tense will give us the guidelines to follow.
Jaime Casanova Martinez
Panamerican Judo Union (PJU)